Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chick Date

I was nineteen years old the last time I went on a first date.  Had I known it was a first date, I probably would have paid more attention to my appearance.  Tipped off by my incessant whining and cursing, Brad knew that I was less than thrilled with our small college town and he offered to take me out for pizza to assuage my boredom.  When the waitress asked what to do with the leftovers Brad told her to put them into two boxes.  That's when I figured out that my good buddy Brad was on a different program.  By the time our waitress had returned with two boxes and one check, at the end of our date, my nerves kicked in.

The other day I met a fellow mommy and blogger for brunch.  It was a chick date.  This time, I had the good sense to be nervous from the beginning.  I went so far as to solicit Brad's opinion on my outfit.  This is a futile exercise in which I typically refrain from engaging.  He did not disappoint.  "I don't understand the difference between skinny jeans and leggings anyway," he said.  "You look nice in both."  Thanks, Dude.  Helpful. 

I got to the restaurant first and then committed to a table.  I was terrified that she was going to come and horrified that she had forgotten to meet me.  I ordered a Diet Coke and mentally reviewed a list of topics that I should NOT bring up...politics, religion, bladder retention, and that weird charcoal smell that I can't identify but permeates my master bathroom.  Finally, I saw her curls through the window.  I waved, like the big fat dork that I will always be, my butterflies kicked into high gear and then...she smiled.

The rest of brunch was amazing.  Conversation was easy and I managed to suppress all of the creepy things that usually pop out of my mouth at the worst possible times while the rational part of my brain screams, "SHUT UP!  STOP TALKING!" before it moans, "There goes another one..."  It appears that she had a good time too.

There is nothing left to do except to wait for her call.  What's the rule?  Two days?  Seven?  Ya'll let me know when to get worried.

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